Facing Waves

Great Family Adventure - The Laurentians & Outaouais Regions of Québec, Canada
Folge 2   Season 11

bis 23:30
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    Facing Waves is an exciting and inspiring TV series that follows top paddlers as they discover the cultures, landscapes and adventures of the world‘s most amazing adventure travel destinations.Showing spectacular paddling by top athletes in the most stunning locations around the globe, Facing Waves goes from the Dominican Republic to a small town in Wales, facing different conditions in every location, immersing in an unforgettable experience.
    Adjusting to the customs of locals, challenging huge tidal rapids, kayaking with whales, practicing stand up paddle in the tropics or exploring remote canoe trails in the heart of the jungle are some of the adventures you will see in this show.Facing Waves hosts Ken Whiting, former World Champion Whitewater Kayaker in the trip of his life. Get ready to join their journey with Nautical Channel.


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    Top-Spielfilm am 06.03.


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    20:15:VOX James Bond 007 - Stirb an einem anderen Tag

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    VOX, 20:15-23:00 Uhr

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